Monday, June 15, 2015

Momma's Attempt to Get Back to It

They say that writing is another tool for thinking. Well, this momma has a lot of thinking going on. So much so that I cannot keep up with the many directions it is veering off to as we continue on this leg of our parenting journey. I have always fallen back on writing as a tool to organize, express, feel, sort through and communicate.

This blog is a spin-off from our original blog, My plans for this blog does not include organization, formality of any kind, polished writing or even great grammar (I have to admit though, that latter detail makes me cringe. You can not ever take the grammar teacher out of a writer who is an ELA teacher). Anyways, these are simply my thoughts, fears, questions, processing of and raw feelings about our experiences with bringing Jenna to Greenspan's Floortime Center.

It makes me a bit nervous to put myself out there, as I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to sharing writing. However, I am going to take a leap and (mostly) leave self-criticism of written expression behind on this blog. I want to share with family and friend supporters alike, how things are going. I want to share with those who love Jenna, things that we are learning about her, things we can do to help her grow and continue to be happy and to give myself some "me" time since writing is one of my favorite pass-times.

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